I moved into the new place. And we're working out the kinks slowly (for instance shower head is shorter than I am. Or the fireplace worked mysteriously for 72 hours and then quit. Etc.). But! The fridgeless, sterile white kitchen that you see the fuzzbucket testing boundaries by trying to scope out whether or not she should jump on the counter and risk my wrath (answer: yes, but wrath does ensue.) has been transformed and now is officially pretty awesome and can be cooked in. I will be slowly painting and furnishing all the rooms of the house and the kitchen isn't actually done yet- I just wanted to show off.
Eventually that back wall is going to be full of spice racking, dishtowel, pan hanging goodness. I'm not there yet, but I did make a delicious stirfry last night to commemorate my first night with a fridge to store leftovers in, a dishwasher to throw prep dishes in and COUNTER SPACE which is easy to wipe down. Hallelulah. I also bought produce at the farmer's market for to cook more awesomeness with tomorrow.
Awesome! I love the brilliant color! Did you buy it or are you renting?