Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tons of Huntington!

I went to the Huntington, with the Huntingtons. These pictures are for those of you not yet convinced to get out to Cali this winter. Its November people! Those are T-shirts we are wearing, and we were too warm. How's that 30 degree day with the minus 10 windchill feeling about now? Here are just a few of the attractions at the Huntington:

Monarch catapillars

Small Worlds of Great Beauty to Destroy

Nerdy Men in Pith Helmets to Stalk

Knowledge! Carnivorous Plants!

And then there was a cool picture of HRH- the Mrs. Huntington looking shocked, but i stupidly deleted it. Imagine it here.
Finally, for those of you I haven't seen in ages- new hair. Side part! Quasi Bangs! Now you can recognise me at the airport. Or as Frances put it, "Ooh look at me all fancy with a scarf and books! I'm soooo coooool".